4 Archive
The archive holds everything, which is old or is not suitable for other categories.
To Projects: This use case is one of the primary reasons to keep archived projects in the first place. It makes sense that there would be useful information from past projects you could use in current and future projects. Whether it’s notes on a conference call with a repeat client, background research on an industry, or photos you took for a related design project, this is one of the primary ways you can use your accumulated “intellectual capital” to gain leverage over time.
To Areas: Similarly, a piece of information you collected long ago can suddenly become relevant for a new responsibility you’re taking on. Maybe your performance reviews from a past job could be useful for your new role managing others. Maybe a magazine clipping from a long-ago interior design project could spark an idea for upgrading your current apartment.
To Resources: I find it quite common for a past project, now archived, to keep simmering in the back of my mind, and later become an interest. Perhaps I do a consulting project that requires diving deep into a new industry — after that project is over, I may want to stay involved and keep an eye on new developments in that industry. Moving the relevant notes from the archived project notebook to a new resource notebook would be a great way to start doing so.